Shopping for Sales!

 Ok, so in many of my Inquisitive type adventures, I once did the super couponing thing! Yes, I sure did! Every week I would travel the one hour drive to the "city" and stock up on all the good deals! I would go alone, sometimes I would drag along the Hubby or a child, and I even had a couponing buddy there for awhile! (You know who you are!!!)  It got pretty serious! I had the big bad binder that went EVERYWHERE with me, and probably was the beginning of my back issues, lol! All my family would share their extra coupons with me, knowing in return I'd bring them back a small gift next time! (Tube of toothpaste, new candy bar, you just really didn't know!)  At the time I was getting multiple papers, snipping and clipping, sorting and stacking. It did take time and energy, but my storage spaces were soon to explode with all sorts of things from toothbrushes to snacks, medicine to giftware. I was on a roll! I was even on the "city" news, and taught a class in a neighboring town..yes, I was even paid!

You may be wondering why I've been using words like.... once, was, did, and then.  Well, that's because I no longer do couponing to that level.  What happened was that I got so good at figuring out the deals and how to get multiples that I was overflowing with what my family needed and I didn't feel that I should spend that time and energy on this particular project anymore.  Yes, I did give items to charity and donate to organizations, but even doing that left me with more than I needed.  It was time to put my Inquisitive Mind to other projects!

With all that being said, I still certainly like to get a bargain, look for sales, and clip the random coupon!  Girl still likes to save her money!  And that leads me to what I'm probably doing right now while you are reading all this!

Now is the time of year when things start clearancing out big time! All the Holliday themed items get deep discounts, and any 2017 dated products need to be moved off the shelves to prepare for the  
2018 product line.  Some things are close to expiration, while others are changing the label, or no longer in the company line.  I love to stock up on things during this time.  And if you happen to have a coupon that matches an item, well then you're in for a bonus savings!  Horray for saving money!  

One of my indulgences is candy.  I will admit that after Halloween I did grab a few bags of those chocolatey, caramel  nutty, chewy, tart or sweet delicious treats!  And yes, if I can get my hands on some M&M's and Kisses, I'll grab several bags to stash away for making cookies at a later time! 

Next thing I will be keeping my eye out for is Paper Products.  By now the Halloween items will be 90% off, Thanksgiving 50% and Christmas 50%.  You can buy these to store away for next years big event, or like me, use them anytime!  Especially great for camping trips!  Besides, who doesn't want to eat off of a Snowman plate, drink out of a orange & black cup while wiping your mouth with a scarecrow napkin in the middle of June?  If nothing else we all get a great laugh, right?

Gift Sets, keep your eye out for those!  This is something my sister and I do together!  My hubby's birthday is in January, so you can almost guarantee that my sister will be getting his favorite shaving or cologne set to save back for him!  I get him MY favorite perfume  ha ha ha!  All joking aside, this is a great deal folks!  Think ahead and buy up these already discounted sets at an additional 1/2 off Savings!  You can always tear them apart and put them in cute baskets to re-gift!  In years past when my kiddo's were smaller, I'd have all the cousins over for a slumber party and we'd get these gift sets out and have a spa day!  Everyone went home with nail polishes and cheezy kids makeup!  Good times right there!

Lastly, I'll head over to the grocery isle ...  remember those cute specialty shaped and designed cookies and flavored drinks ... yup ... that will be discounted too!  I'll never forget the time I came across the spring colored and flavored milk!  It was hilarious watching my kids try the different jelly bean flavored milks!  Oh they were sooo sweet you almost couldn't drink it! 

Now, common....we all like saving money!  Spill your secrets....what do you do to save money.  Do you shop sales, use coupons, buy used?  Tell us!  I want to see facebook flooded with pictures of your haul!  What great bargains did you find?

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