Hush Puppy Corn Fritters

I just love Hush Puppies, don't you? And corn fritters, they're good too!  What about a Hushpuppy Corn Fritter? I served this on the side with Air Fried Fish, and a salad, so I guess there was some balance there... I mean not EVERYTHING was deep fried!

Well, and why not make it a bit sweeter and fluffier with some Amish Friendship Starter added!

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I am starting out this recipe with a basic Hush Puppy Mix, this one happens to be a Martha white, any will do... homemade from scratch will earn bonus points!

You'll need some milk... mine is Raw Cow's milk... but if you have a Camel... lol... that works too!

And the corn part.  Open up a can and drain, measure out some frozen, but I am choosing to use my home Freeze Dried corn that was grown by a cousin of ours!

Add 1/2 starter and 2/3 cup milk and I cup corn to a bowl.

Oops.. don't forget to add a large egg too!

Mix and let set a few minutes while the corn re-hydrates!

I decided to add in some creole seasoning ... maybe a tsp?

Dump in the Hush Puppy Mix

Stir till a batter forms.

Get yourself a big cast iron pan!

Add about 1/2 inch of oil to the pan, I chose vegetable... just use one that can handle high heat.

Turn on a medium high heat.

Check to see if oil is hot enough by sprinkling a bit of flour in oil, when it starts to bubble, it's ready.

Add batter to hot oil by large spoonfuls.

Cook for up to one minute and turn.

Cook another 30 seconds on the other side

Put on paper towel to absorb grease, salt.

Cool and enjoy!