Homemade Cajeta Empanadas

 Homemade Cajeta Empanadas

As you may know, I have been playing around with the Amish Friendship Starter for SEVERAL months now.  And I have become confident enough to start incorporating the starter in new recipes... and even experimenting a little (like I did with this recipe).  Yup... I played around and came up with an empanada dough recipe that I believe is super delicious, hope you give it a try!

Check Out Video Here >>>

Here is your step-by-step Recipe Guide on how to make this amazing treat!

Start out with 2 cups of all purpose flour
Then add 3 TBS of fat, I chose butter but lard, shortening or other is fine!
Add 1/2 cup of Amish Friendship Starter, but cream cheese, sour cream, or yogurt will do fine as a substitute!
1 small egg, I used guinea, bantam chicken works well... or if doubling recipe 1 regular sized egg works too!
Start the mixer.
Slowly add up to 1/2 cup water, keeping an eye not to add too much!
It's all about the texture... not too sticky, not too dry!
Optionally add 1/2 tsp cinnamon to the dough.
Hand need for just a few minutes.
Cut dough into 12-16 pieces
roll out 
Or roll entire dough and cut circles.
add 1 egg yolk into bowl
to that you will add a jar of cajeta, mix well
drop caramel mixture by spoonfuls on dough.
fold over dough and tightly pinch edges.
curl up sides to finish seal
While the Oil is warming up, make a Sugar Cinnamon Sugar mix.  
fry for up to one minute in 350* oil
Immediately roll in cinnamon sugar mixture!
Let cool and enjoy! Really good with Ice Cream!

Cajeta Empanadas

Dough Ingredients:
  • 1 small egg
  • 2c. flour
  • 3 TBS Salted Butter
  • 1/2 C. Starter (or yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese)
  • 1/4-1/2 cup water
Filling Ingredients:
  • 1 jar Cajeta or can of Caramel
  • 1 egg yolk
Topping Ingredients:
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1 tsp. Cinnamon
You will also need a high heat oil for frying.

  • Mix all dough ingredients except the water.  That you will slowly drizzle in until the dough comes together.
  • Knead dough, adding in optional cinnamon
  • Divide and roll out dough.  Choose to use a cutter or hand press into 12-16 circle.
  • Mix together the filling ingredients and drop by spoonfuls onto one side of the circle.
  • Bring dough over the top of itself making a half moon shape.
  • Tightly pinch the dough together, then roll it onto itself for a second seal and nicer looking edge, using a fork will work too!
  • Put oil on stovetop to begin heating to 350*
  • While oil is heating, make your cinnamon sugar mixture.
  • When oil is hot, fry empanadas for up to one minute
  • Immediately place fried empanada into cinnamon sugar mixture or if you have a shaker, shake the mixture on top of the empanadas!
  • Let cool and enjoy fresh!