Small Memories make a BIG impact.....

Much To My Suprise

I was in the garden when it happened.... Ice cream buckets filled with delicious greens to share with my family. Green Beans, lettuces, sugar peas, and even a few early peppers. I hear a noise, and look up from my sun hat... Ahh, nothing but a frisky kitten playing in the grass. My eyes wander around the garden--what am I seeing... Yes...yes it is!!!! Black Raspberries!!! I drop my buckets (forgetting about the dog and his ever so elusive kleptomaniac tendencies), skip past the cabbage... Tiptoe through the sweet potato bushes, ever so carefully rounding the corner past the grapes, and I am there... In my raspberry patch. Don't get me wrong, we have LOVED making pies, ice cream toppings, and so many treats from our luscious red and golden ... But for some reason, the black just fairly grew, and never produced. I stood there in awe... It was a beautiful thing... They were small and ever so sparse, but I carefully picked each one gently placing it into my hand... I smiled and threw them into my mouth... BOOM--- THAT'S WHEN IT HAPPENED! I became a time traveler... flavors bursting in my mouth, the smells whirling all around me... There I was back in my Grandfathers garden... 20 years ago, a little girl sneaking black raspberries, giggling as grandpa tended his garden, and grandma was cooking Rhubarb for our morning toast. God gives us so many blessings each and every day. How wonderful that a sight, sound, or smell can bring back the warm fuzzy happy feelings and precious memories of those we love, and miss so dearly. So, if only for a brief moment, today I was a kid again, happy and free! I wonder where tomorrow will take me?

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