It's Officially Spring!

Yup, you heard it right!  Spring IS here!  March 20th is not only my Daddy's birthday, but it's also the mark of a new Season..... SPRING!  That means so many wonderful things!  A different smell in the air, Soft dirt, new life, warmer weather, hopes of rain, and planting season!

 Weather you're a gardener, farmer, or just like to look at flowers ... it's an exciting time of year!  I have all my seeds ordered and many of them already growing either inside my house, or moved out to the "fingers crossed" repaired greenhouse with new updates!  Whoo hoo!

What all do you plan to plant in your garden?  So far I have my potatoes in the ground!  As far as feelings, I'm quite hopeful for several varieties of tomatoes.  2 varieties of Eggplant.  2 varieties of Strawberries.  Rhubarb.  Several types of peppers.  Some Basil.  And one Lonely Loofah plant.  I have seeds for various squash, and I'm sure we'll be receiving some Corn from our AWESOME seed dealer too!

I'm very excited to finally get my greenhouse in working order.  It's a great building, but you defiantly have to fight the wind.  Even if you put it in a protected place!   They're just not made for these Kansas winds!  But that doesn't stop me from improving on a good thing!  My darling husband just shakes his head and indulges me.  I better grow and can  him those HOT peppers this year!

Weather here has been wonderful!  I've had a few nice days where I could reclaim my raspberries (well part of them anyway), and begin working the dirt in the garden!  I have so many ideas and plans.  Sure hope I get to them all!  Sitting all winter dreaming about Summer makes for a REALLY busy Spring!  One of the new things I want to add is a raised bed.  Been wanting to do that for years, but I actually went out and purchased new strawberry starts, so I'd better get to planning out that raised bed soon!  Another great idea is to add a washing and prep station outside.  In the past I have taken the produce to the patio, but was inspired by a YouTube channel to build this closer to the garden/animal area!  

 Animal Update:
Our Boer goat "Spot" had her first birth.  It was un-assisted, and totally caught us off guard.  We didn't even get the chance to see her in labor, and within an hour of our last pregnancy check, twins were here!  They're doing VERY well!  Because they will be sold at fair, we had decided to not name them.  Of course ... within a few days I did!  Bucky (for the Buck) and Doe-Doe (For the Doe). They go on GREAT adventures together!  They've helped us find the weak spots or broken areas of the fence!  Aren't they adorable!

I am so glad it's the time of year when we start getting Milk and eggs regularly!  It's amazing the difference fresh can make!  And not to mention the pride you get when you've worked so hard to give love and care to these animals.  It's a circle of life that we're so blessed to be a part of!  Farm Life is the best life for us, and we feel so humbled that God has allowed us to enjoy so many of his great creations, and beautiful plan for this earth!

And since we're talking about milk, Miss Molly Moo-Cow is beginning to show her belly now!  I'm still not sure when she will calve, but we are excited to have our first cow on the farm!  She was vet-checked and confirmed pregnant, but unsure if it will be April or June!  Hard to tell since she's a mid-size mini bred to a mini.  One thing for sure, she likes treats and is quite territorial of her space!  I think those pesky dogs have been trying to roll in her poop!  Ha ha ha!

Speaking of dogs.... here is my LGD "Bear."  He is such an AMAZING dog.  So gentle with the other animals that have come to live on the farm, and really understands when I introduce new livestock! And he's been a great friend to me too!  Love him dearly...  Look at him patiently waiting on me while I work out in the yard!  He always walks me up and down the hill, letting me lean on him when needed, even though I know he must hurt from all of his previous accidents and surgeries!  This past winter he would literally drag me down the hill on the ice to the chicken coupe!  He needs some extra treats, don't you think?

We have many more animals and great stories to be shared.  I hope you enjoyed my little look into Spring today!  Many of our stories get shared through the various social media sites.  I'd love for you to come join in our our fun!